The Honeywell Air Quality Monitor can give all the air quality data you may need to know to become a better you. With an award-winning design*, touch screen, color indicators and Wi-Fi connectivity, the device measures six different pollutants, allergens and parameters.
Leveraging a proprietary algorithm, the monitor gives you an IQ percentage reading. It’s a measure of how well your brain can work in the present environment.
When coupled with the connected mobile phone app, you can use it to check ambient air quality anytime, anywhere and take appropriate measures to protect yourself and those you care about.
The practical, compact device evaluates the air quality according to 6 measured factors:
- Air temperature
- Humidity
- Carbon dioxide pollution (CO2)
- Fine dust (PM2.5)
These are air particles with a diameter of 0.1 to 2.5 micrometers – that’s 3% of the diameter of a human hair. These can be soot, combustion by-products, fossil fuel smoke, cigarette smoke, dust, allergens such as pollen and mold.
- Formaldehyde (HCHO)
Colorless, flammable and strongly smelling gas that is released into the air through “outgassing”. The outgassing comes from compressed wood, chipboard and plywood products, wall insulation, new furniture, glue, adhesive products, etc.
- TVOC (volatile organic compounds)
The total amount of all gases emitted with short- or long-term health effects. They come from a variety of everyday objects such as paints and varnishes, wax and cosmetics, cleaning and hobby products and are even created during cooking. These gases accumulate in closed rooms such as the house or office and pollute our fresh air.
With a distinctive, award-winning design, the HAQ is slim and portable.
There is a micro USB port on the back of the device, which supplies the device and the built-in battery with power. Thus the Honeywell Air Quality Monitor can be used stationary as well as mobile.
The air quality is not only displayed directly on the device, but can also be called up on a smartphone using a specially developed app. The app is available for smartphones with the Android operating system 4.42, iOS 8.0 or newer versions.