

The ready-to-use muting kit SG-M, with its modular and flexible structure and its preinstalled sensors, is the ideal solution for any kind of application where the position and orientation of muting beams need to be regulated quickly and easily. The connection box reduces the wiring time of muting sensors to the light curtains with integrated muting function like SG BODY COMPACT, SG BODY REFLECTOR and SG4 EXTENDED.Muting arms can be installed directly on the light curtains or on the protective stands SG-PSB.

SG-M – Datasheet

Ordernumbers Productnumbers + Material Description
95ASE2630 SG-M BRACKET = SG-M Muting Kit single bracket, for S8 or S100 sensors, or reflector
95ASE2460 SG-M-ARM = SG-M single arm
95ASE2500 SG-M-CB = SG-M Connection Box, for up to 4 sensors; M12 F connectors, 400mm pigtail with M12 F
95ASE2830 SG-M-CB-KIT = SG-M Connection Box mounting kit
95ASE2610 SG-ML-S100-200-L = Kit for L Muting, left side; 2 sensors S100-PR-5-B10-PK; cables = 2000mm with M12 connectors
95ASE2400 SG-ML-S100-200-R = Kit for L Muting, right side; 2 sensors S100-PR-5-B10-PK; cables = 2000mm with M12 connectors
95ASE2620 SG-ML-S100-L = Kit for L Muting, left side; 2 sensors S100-PR-5-B10-PK; cables = 700mm with M12 connectors
95ASE2430 SG-ML-S100-R = Kit for L Muting, right side; 2 sensors S100-PR-5-B10-PK; cables = 700mm with M12 connectors
95ASE2590 SG-ML-S8-200-L = Kit for L Muting, left side; 2 sensors S8-PR-5-B01-PP; cables = 2000mm with M12 connectors
95ASE2340 SG-ML-S8-200-R = Kit for L Muting, right side; 2 sensors S8-PR-5-B01-PP; cables = 2000mm with M12 connectors
95ASE2600 SG-ML-S8-L = Kit for L Muting, left side; 2 sensors S8-PR-5-B01-PP; cables = 700mm with M12 connectors
95ASE2370 SG-ML-S8-R = Kit for L Muting, right side; 2 sensors S8-PR-5-B01-PP; cables = 700mm with M12 connectors
95ASE2440 SG-MT-S100 = Kit for T Muting; 4 sensors S100-PR-5-B10-PK; cables = 700mm with M12 connectors
95ASE2410 SG-MT-S100-200 = Kit for T Muting; 4 sensors S100-PR-5-B10-PK; cables = 2000mm with M12 connectors
95ASE2380 SG-MT-S8 = Kit for T Muting; 4 sensors S8-PR-5-B01-PP; cables = 700mm with M12 connectors
95ASE2350 SG-MT-S8-200 = Kit for T Muting; 4 sensors S8-PR-5-B01-PP; cables = 2000mm with M12 connectors
95ASE2450 SG-MX-S100 = Kit for X Muting; 2 sensors S100-PR-5-B10-PK; cables = 700mm with M12 connectors
95ASE2420 SG-MX-S100-200 = Kit for X Muting; 2 sensors S100-PR-5-B10-PK; cables = 2000mm with M12 connectors
95ASE2390 SG-MX-S8 = Kit for X Muting; 2 sensors S8-PR-5-B01-PP; cables = 700mm with M12 connectors
95ASE2360 SG-MX-S8-200 = Kit for X Muting; 2 sensors S8-PR-5-B01-PP; cables = 2000mm with M12 connectors
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