S8 Series
The S8 line offers extremely high performances in a very compact case with IP69K stainless steel, tested to be resistant to industrial cleaning detergents.
Born to solve the hardest detection applications such as target objects which are too small, too fast, too clear, too shiny and with Datalogic’s new ASIC, the S8 becomes adjustable with Push Button and programmable through IO-Link connectivity including dual output channels and no digital output jitter during communication. This extends the sensor line with the new retro-reflex polarized laser coaxial optic which is very fast and reliable while providing high performance retro-reflex polarized for transparent objects, a high-resolution contrast reader and a luminescence sensor.
S8 SERIES – Datasheet
S8 Series IO-LINK-Flyer
Ordernumbers | Productnumbers + Material Description |
950801000 | S8-PH-5-B51-PP = Reflex polarized plastic radial laser pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801010 | S8-PH-5-B51-NN = Reflex polarized plastic radial laser npn no/nc – M8 |
950801020 | S8-PH-5-M01-PP = Bgs plastic radial laser pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801030 | S8-PH-5-M01-NN = Bgs plastic radial laser npn no/nc – M8 |
950801040 | S8-PR-5-T51-PP = Reflex transparent plastic radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801050 | S8-PR-5-T51-NN = Reflex transparent plastic radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801060 | S8-PR-5-W03-PP = Contrast sensor plastic radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801070 | S8-PR-5-W03-NN = Contrast sensor plastic radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801080 | S8-PH-3-B51-PP = Reflex polarized plastic radial laser pnp no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801090 | S8-PH-3-B51-NN = Reflex polarized plastic radial laser npn no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801100 | S8-PH-3-M01-PP = Bgs plastic radial laser pnp no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801110 | S8-PH-3-M01-NN = Bgs plastic radial laser npn no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801120 | S8-PR-3-T51-PP = Reflex transparent plastic radial pnp no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801130 | S8-PR-3-T51-NN = Reflex transparent plastic radial npn no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801140 | S8-PR-3-W03-PP = Contrast sensor plastic radial pnp no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801150 | S8-PR-3-W03-NN = Contrast sensor plastic radial npn no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801160 | S8-PR-5-B01-PP = Reflex polarized plastic radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801170 | S8-PR-5-B01-NN = Reflex polarized plastic radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801180 | S8-PR-3-B01-PP = Reflex polarized plastic radial pnp no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801190 | S8-PR-3-B01-NN = Reflex polarized plastic radial npn no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801200 | S8-PR-5-M01-PP = Bgs plastic radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801210 | S8-PR-5-M01-NN = Bgs plastic radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801220 | S8-PR-3-M01-PP = Bgs plastic radial pnp no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801230 | S8-PR-3-M01-NN = Bgs plastic radial npn no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801240 | S8-PR-5-C01-PP = Proximity plastic radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801250 | S8-PR-3-C01-PP = Proximity plastic radial pnp no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801260 | S8-PR-5-C01-NN = Proximity plastic radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801270 | S8-PR-3-C01-NN = Proximity plastic radial npn no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801280 | S8-PR-5-T53-PP = Reflex transparent plastic radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801290 | S8-PR-5-T53-NN = Reflex transparent plastic radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801300 | S8-MR-5-T53-PP = Reflex transparent metal radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801310 | S8-MR-5-T53-NN = Reflex transparent metal radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801320 | S8-MR-5-T50-PH = Reflex transparent metal radial pnp ext teach – M8 |
950801330 | S8-MR-5-T50-NH = Reflex transparent metal radial npn ext teach – M8 |
950801340 | S8-MR-5-W03-PP = Contrast sensor metal radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801350 | S8-MR-5-W03-NN = Contrast sensor metal radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801360 | S8-MR-5-W00-PH = Contrast sensor metal radial pnp ext teach – M8 |
950801370 | S8-MR-5-W00-NH = Contrast sensor metal radial npn ext teach – M8 |
950801381 | S8-PH-5-M53-PP = Bgs plastic radial laser pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801390 | S8-MR-5-M01-PP = Bgs metal radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801400 | S8-MR-5-M01-NN = Bgs metal radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801410 | S8-MR-5-B01-PP = Reflex polarized metal radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801420 | S8-MR-5-B01-NN = Reflex polarized metal radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801430 | S8-MR-5-C01-PP = Proximity metal radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801440 | S8-MR-5-C01-NN = Proximity metal radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801451 | S8-MH-5-M53-PP = Bgs metal radial laser pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801460 | S8-MH-5-M01-PP = Bgs metal radial laser pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801470 | S8-MH-5-M01-NN = Bgs metal radial laser npn no/nc – M8 |
950801480 | S8-MH-5-B51-PP = Reflex polarized metal radial laser pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801490 | S8-MH-5-B51-NN = Reflex polarized metal radial laser npn no/nc – M8 |
950801500 | S8-PR-5-F01-PP = Receiver plastic radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801510 | S8-PR-5-F01-NN = Receiver plastic radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801520 | S8-PR-3-F01-PP = Receiver plastic radial pnp no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801530 | S8-PR-3-F01-NN = Receiver plastic radial npn no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801540 | S8-PR-5-G00-XG = Emitter plastic radial test input – M8 |
950801550 | S8-PR-3-G00-XG = Emitter plastic radial test input pig tail – M12 |
950801560 | S8-MR-5-F01-PP = Receiver metal radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801570 | S8-MR-5-F01-NN = Receiver metal radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801580 | S8-MR-5-G00-XG = Emitter metal radial test input – M8 |
950801590 | S8-PR-5-M53-PP = Bgs plastic radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801600 | S8-MR-5-M53-PP = Bgs metal radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801610 | S8-PR-5-U03-PP = Luminescence plastic radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801620 | S8-PR-5-U03-NN = Luminescence plastic radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801630 | S8-MR-5-U03-PP = Luminescence metal radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801640 | S8-MR-5-U03-NN = Luminescence metal radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801650 | S8-PR-5-W13-PP = Contrast sensor plastic radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801660 | S8-PR-5-W13-NN = Contrast sensor plastic radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801670 | S8-MR-5-W13-PP = Contrast sensor metal radial pnp no/nc – M8 |
950801680 | S8-MR-5-W13-NN = Contrast sensor metal radial npn no/nc – M8 |
950801690 | S8-PR-3-W13-PP = Contrast sensor plastic radial pnp no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801700 | S8-PR-3-W13-NN = Contrast sensor plastic radial npn no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801710 | S8-PR-3-U03-PP = Luminescence plastic radial pnp no/nc pig tail – M12 |
950801720 | S8-PR-3-U03-NN = Luminescence plastic radial npn no/nc pig tail – M12 |
95A151080 | R9 = Prismatic reflector ø 23 mm – self-adhesive support ø 25 mm |
95A151090 | R20 = Microprismatic reflector ø 48 mm – plastic support ø 63 mm |
95A151220 | R4K = Prismatic reflector 47 x 47 mm – plastic support 51 x 61 mm – IP69K |
95A151300 | R13 = Prismatic reflector 20×32 mm |
95A151310 | R14 = Prismatic reflector ø 20,5 mm – plastic support ø 25 mm |
95A151330 | R16 = Prismatic reflector 9.7 x 19 mm – plastic support 14 x 23 mm |
95A151340 | R4 = Prismatic reflector 47x 47 mm – plastic support 51.5 x 61 mm |
95A151350 | R6 = Prismatic reflector 36 x 55 mm – plastic support 40.5 x 60 mm |
95A151360 | R7 = Microprismatic reflector 38 x 40 mm – plastic support 51 x 61 mm |
95A151370 | R8 = Microprismatic reflector 9.7 x 19 mm – plastic support 13.8 x 23 mm |
95A151530 | R35 = Prismatic reflector ø 29,5 mm – plastic support ø 35 mm |
95A151540 | RT-50X50 = Self-adhesive reflective tape for polarised light 50 x 50 mm |
95A151550 | RT-100X100 = Self-adhesive reflective tape for polarised light 100 x 100 mm |
95A155050 | R11 = Prismatic reflector 146 x 15 mm – plastic support 150 x 18 mm |
95A155060 | R12 = Prismatic reflector 100 x 100 mm |
95A251100 | CS-B1-02-O-10 = M8 4-p axial 10m CEI 2034-01 |
95A251110 | CS-B2-02-O-10 = M8 4-p radial 10m CEI 2034-01 |
95A251420 | CS-B1-02-G-03 4 poli M8 3m grigio |
95A251430 | CS-B1-02-G-05 = M8 4-p axial 5m |
95A251440 | CS-B1-02-G-07 = M8 4-p axial 7m |
95A251450 | CS-B2-02-G-03 = M8 4-p radial 3m |
95A251460 | CS-B2-02-G-05 = M8 4-p radial 5m |
95A251470 | CS-B2-02-G-07 = M8 4-p radial 7m |
95A251480 | CS-B1-02-G-10 4 poli M8 10m grigio |
95A251530 | CS-B2-02-G-10 = M8 4-p radial 10m |
95A251620 | CS-B1-02-R-02 = M8 4-p axial 2m PUR |
95A251630 | CS-B2-02-R-02 = M8 4-p radial 2m PUR |
95A251640 | CS-B1-02-R-05 = M8 4-p axial 5m PUR |
95A251650 | CS-B2-02-R-05 = M8 4-p radial 5m PUR |
95A251720 | CS-B2-02-O-05 = M8 4-p radial 5m CEI 2034-01 |
95A251730 | CS-B1-02-O-05 = M8 4-p axial 5m CEI 2034-01 |
95ACC1470 | ST-5072 = Fixing bracket S8 |
95ACC3410 | ST-0387 = S8 – S40/S41/S45 Adapting bracket |
95ACC3430 | ST-S8-TL-LD = Fixing bracket |
95ACC3440 | ST-S8-S3Z = Fixing bracket |
95ACC7860 | ST-S8-FRM = Fixing bracket |
95ACC7990 | R100 = Prismatic reflector 19 x 35 mm – plastic support 24 x 48 mm |
S19120000 | R10 = Prismatic reflector 36 x 176 mm – plastic support 41 x 181 mm |
S940000600 | RT-3870 = Self-adhesive reflective tape 200 x 300 mm |
S940000604 | RT-3970 = Self-adhesive reflective tape for polarised light 60 x 40 mm |
S940000900 | RT-3970 = Self-adhesive reflective tape for polarised light 200 x 300 mm |
S940700023 | R1 = Prismatic reflector ø 23 mm – plastic support ø 31 mm |
S940700048 | R2 = Prismatic reflector ø 48 mm – plastic support ø 63 mm |
S940700075 | R5 = Prismatic reflector ø 75 mm – plastic support ø 82 mm |
S940700972 | R3 = Prismatic reflector 18 x 54 mm – plastic support 22 x 82 mm |
S940710048 | S12 = Prismatic reflector ø 48 mm – plastic hexagon support CH .52 mm |