RDI Series
RDI Series
Honeywell Relialign™ RDI Series Residential Door Interlock switches are electromechanical devices designed for use in residential swing door applications, specifically dumbwaiters, lifts for the mobility impaired and swing-door elevators in the USA. In Canada, the RDI is designed for use in residential swing door applications, specifically elevators and dumbwaiters but is not designed for use in lifts for the mobility impaired. The interlock holds the door in place and prevents it from being opened in potentially unsafe conditions (e.g. the elevator/lift car is not present at the door).
A number of design features contribute to increase safety, reduce nuisance stoppages and call-backs, and contribute to simplified wiring and installation. Featuring a custom internal solenoid control, the RDI may reduce complexity of the host controller, reduce power consumption for a “greener” product, extend solenoid life and reduce solenoid “time outs,” reducing customer aggravation.
Two Honeywell MICRO SWITCH™ switches are used to indicate door closure, providing an extra level of reliability.