
Integrated Muting Arms

In order to realize T and L muting functions with parallel beams, in a quick and safe way, a series of intregrated muting arms can be ordered and installed on safety light curtains of SG series .
The muting arms can be active/passive, in which one contains emitters and the other is a passive reflector, or active/active, with emitter on one side and receiver on the other side.

Muting Arms & Accesories – Datasheet

Ordernumbers Productnumbers + Material Description
95ASE1841 SG-AS-ARM V2 = Integrated muting arm active sensor ver.2
95ASE1851 SG-PR-ARM V2 = Integrated muting arm passive reflector ver.2
95ASE1861 SG-L-ARMS V2 = Integrated retroreflective muting arms for L muting ver.2
95ASE1871 SG-T-ARMS V2 = Integrated retroreflective muting arms for T muting ver.2
95ASE1880 SG-F1-G1-ARM = Integrated Emitter/Receiver muting arms first couple
95ASE1890 SG-F2-G2-ARM = Integrated Emitter/Receiver muting arms second couple
95ASE1920 SG-CB-B = Integrated muting arms mounting bracket kit for SG BODY BIG
95ASE1930 SG-CB-C = Integrated muting arms mounting bracket kit for SG BODY COMPACT
95ACC2560 CV-Y1-02-B-007 = M12 4-pole T Muting cable
95ACC2570 CV-L1-02-B-007 = M12 4-pole L Muting cable
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