B-295C TRIAD Three Axis Accelerometer
Northrop Grumman LITEF’s B-295 TRIAD represents the newest generation of three axis accelerometer, based on the latest MEMS technology. With high performance and quality characteristics, the B-295 TRIAD offers the optimal acceleration measurement solution for customers worldwide from any kind of business.
The B-295C TRIAD is a small, lightweight and highly reliable three axis accelerometer, consisting of three independent B-295C single axis accelerometers in closed loop technology with all the associated hybrid electronics, packed in one housing. The output of the compensated data is carried out via a synchronous interface (IBIS – Integrated Bus for Intelligent Sensors).
The B-295C TRIAD is the highly accurate B-295 variant for applications with high performance requirements which is not subject to German Export Restrictions. It is individually configurable, giving customers greater flexibility in terms of measurement range, data format (accelerations/velocity increments) and data compensation.
Perfect in combination with Northrop Grumman LITEF’s fiber optic rate sensors µFORS, the B-295C TRIAD is optimal suited for applications that include:
- Attitude and Heading Reference Systems
- Inertial Navigation Systems
- Stabilization Systems for moving platforms
- Production Automation (e. g. robotics)
Customer Benefits:
- Three measurement axis perfectly aligned in one housing
- Acceleration data of all three axis perfectly synchronized
- Extremely compact design
- Output of temperature compensated acceleration data or velocity increments
- High performance under harsh conditions
- High bandwidth
- Low noise
- Built-in test features
- Support in all project phases