


Latching sensor ICs latch on to an initial pole (North or South) until a magnetic field of sufficient strength of the opposite polarity is brought near the sensor IC. To learn how to select Hall-effect sensors for Brushless DC motors download white paper

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SS360 + SS460

The SS360NT, SS360ST, SS360ST-10K, SS460S, SS460S-T2, SS460S-T3,and SS460S-LP High Sensitivity Latching Digital Hall-Effect Sensor ICs are small, sensitive and versatile devices that are operated by the… Mehr Details zur Serie

SS361 + SS461

The SS361CT/SS461C latches are small, sensitive and versatile digital Hall-effect devices that are operated by the magnetic field from a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. They…

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VF360 + VF460

The VF360NT, VF360ST, and VF460S High Sensitivity Latching Digital Hall-Effect Sensor ICs are small, sensitive and versatile devices that are operated by the magnetic field from…

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SS400 + SS500 (latching)

The SS400, SS500 Series ICs are small, versatile, digital Hall-effect devices that are operated by the magnetic field from a permanent magnet or an electromagnet, and…

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