Constant Current Miniature Accelerometers

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Constant Current Miniature Accelerometers

Honeywell’s miniature piezoelectric accelerometers are designed to be used in induatrial test and automation environments including laboratory testing, modal studies, and test cells where head room is limited and where a low profile unit is desirable. The constant current low output impedance output combined with the ability to drive high load capacitance allows long runs of low cost cable without degradation of data.

Models feature a high natural frequency, a wide frequency range and a flat sensitivity vs. temperature response over the temperature range. The seismic element is mechanically isolated from the mounting base, resulting in a low base strain sensitivity. Each sensor is made of non-magnetic stainless steel resulting in very low magnetic field susceptibility, with a sealed body to provide accurate and reliable data in rugged industrial test and automation environments. Like what you see but need some special modifications or a completely customized design? Contact Honeywell with your special needs.


  • General purpose for industrial, laboratory, and automation applications
  • Miniature size with low profile to fit in tight spaces
  • IEPE output
  • mV/G output
  • Isolated ac output
  • Stainless steel overbraided PTFE cable
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Constant Current Miniature Accelerometers

Produkte dieser Serie

Model MA21

General purpose constant current accelerometers • Miniature size • IEPE, mV/G or isolated ac output • Stainless steel overbraided PTFE cable

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